

The International Social Security Association (ISSA) is the principal international institution bringing together social security agencies and organisations. The ISSA’s aim is to promote dynamic social security as the social dimension in a globalising world by supporting excellence in social security administration. Prevention has been on the ISSA’s agenda since its creation in 1927. Bringing together social security and prevention experts from over 340 social security institutions in more than 140 countries, the ISSA offers a global platform and a unique network for all those in social security that are concerned with the health of workers.

The ISSA has its headquarters at the International Labour Office, in Geneva. Beyond the traditional focus on occupational safety and health, the ISSA supports social security policies that foster preventive approaches to protect and promote workers’ health and employment in all branches of social security. The ISSA provides access to information, expert advice, business standards, practical guidelines and platforms for members to build and promote dynamic social security systems worldwide.

The vision of dynamic social security provides a framework for the ISSA’s action. It refers to social security systems that are accessible, sustainable, adequate, socially inclusive and economically productive, and that are based on performing, well governed, proactive and innovative social security institutions. The ISSA promotes investments in workers’ health, by providing good practice information, research, expert advice and platforms for members and other stakeholders to exchange on innovation in workplace health promotion, active employment policies, rehabilitation and reintegration. To implement a range of projects and activities, the ISSA Secretariat works closely with its Technical Commissions, and the Special Commission on Prevention and its unique network of International Prevention Sections.

To learn more about the Special Commission and its Sections, visit